October 28, 2016

Repit Magic Brush Iron 2 in 1

Hi ladies and gentlemen! Today, I would like to review one of best investment for hair styling tools. Yup, Yup, actually my hair is short already, but I am a lazy girl who want to style hair in less then 15 mins >.< and I cannot stand hair dryer heat.
So accidentally, when I went to AEON, they have their little REPIT booth in beauty section. The SP kindly offered me to try its new product, the REPIT Magic Brush Iron 2 in 1, and me as a sucker for beauty technology took the opportunity. It is a beautiful product which can be used even by the most inexperienced person in hair styling.
Additional bonus, it produced little heat, the heat rod covered by brush stick which eventually reduced heat exposure on your scalp, also ion which keep your hair smooth and healthy.
It has 4  heat modes, depend on your hair condition ( if you have brittle hair, use the least hot mode)

  1.  110 C
  2.  140 C
  3.  170 C
  4.  200 C 
Also 2 diameters:
1. 24 - recommended for shorter hair, it creates smaller curls
2. 27 - for longer hair, it creates volumes and big wavy curls

Even when I used it without hairspray or any foam, it creates natural look which last for around 6 hours (my hair is just super straight which is great for me).

There is a switch on it which can open the brush and made it into straight iron tools, great for bangs and tip of your hair ^__^, the quality is so great so when you use straight iron, it does not tug on hair. Easy to use, you press 1 button to change the heat, press 2 button to turn it off.

The downside is on the price which is quite expensive, around IDR 1,800,000 in big department store (AEON, SOGO, METRO) it offered 1 year warranty. Fortunately I have got mine from tokopedia, for around IDR 1,300,000 but without 1 year warranty and different color from the official distributor (rose gold).

My overall conclusion: MUST BUY ITEM 5/5 for all the function and value it has offered
it really save your time.

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