October 08, 2016


Hi ladies and gentlemen, I would like to review my favorite eye shadow. Naked 2 from Urban Decay is my dream come true, I remembered last year, I was contemplating to buy it. as an efficient buyer, the things that I bought should have the best value of its price. Fortunately, the price itself give the best quality, and the shades spoke true to its color, pigment, and really long lasting. If I should describe Naked 2 color, it consist of beige, natural, dark smokey color which are suitable for either daytime or night time.
The packaging is like your elementary school pencil box,
 Its DOMO kun >.<

it made from metal, sturdy and has "the lock", unlike Naked 1, so you can safely keep it without spilling.

If I could describe the colors;
Foxy : White, ivory shade great for highlighter or inner eye, it does not show on my skin because the similiar skin tone despite 5 x application
Half Baked : golden shimmer
Booty Call : naked ink color shimmer
Chopper : pinkish gold shimmer
Tease : mute mauve color
Snake Bite: Favorite 1 brown neutral with a bit of simmer
Suspect : very light brown with great pigment
Pistol : light grey with amazing finish
Verve : nude pink and sexy
YDK : mix of Half Baked and Chopper, but unique on its own
Busted : Favorite 2 dark brown with hints of light purple
Blackout : Your favorite black eyeshadow!

I bought it on September 2016 in Urban Decay at Central Park Mall, the price IDR 810,000. Its quite affordable compared with other high end brand, and it has 12 shades!


Packaging: 5/5
Color : 5/5
Pigment : 5/5
Long Lasting: 5/5
Value: 5/5
Will I buy it again? yes!

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