October 10, 2016

When to Clean your Makeup Brushes?

Hi Ladies! As we know today, the makeup world is blurred to painting world. No more we only use sponge and finger, we have additional brushes for more beautiful result. They have their own specification: foundation, stippling, fan brushes, concealer, even the eye brush has minimum 5 kind of brushes to apply. Today, I will not talk about brushes but the principle of cleaning your favorite tools.
Important to know that brushes will trap material, oil and skin residue on it. The more you use it, there are bigger chance it will be dirtier than other brushes. I know there are many makeup brushes out there, personally I love Real Technique because it is affordable yet has great quality.

I seldom use makeup with brushes, but I clean my makeup brushes every 2 weeks. And I have great help with Brush Egg (a gift from my dear friend)

How to Clean?
  1. Run your brushes under lukewarm water, rinsing out all of the residual makeup. Focus on the actual bristles while avoiding the part of the brush where handle meets the head, as this can loosen the glue over time
  2. Fill a bowl with lukewarm water and a squirt of baby shampoo or baby wash, and gently swirl your brush tip in the water or tap it on brush egg.
  3. Rinse the brush tip under running water once again. Repeat steps two and three until the water runs clear from the brush,
  4. Use a cloth to wipe your brush clean.
  5. Lay your brushes flat on a cloth to dry.

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