September 07, 2016

NATURE'S REPUBLIC: Real Nature Mask Sheet Rose

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, last month I have received great gifts from my cousin who recently had trip to South Korea. She gave me 3 masks (horse fat, snail, rose) and 1 hand cream. As a skin care addict, I cannot wait to use one of these mask. While watching the king and the clown, you know that 2005 movie which depict the live of tyrant king and his jester troupe (aah beautiful Lee Joon Gi with his extraordinary performance) there is no better match than using Korean mask.

How to use:
1 Clean your face
2 Use Toner
3 Apply mask on your face for 10-20 minutes (mind the holes)
4 Pat dry the remaining moisturizer on your skin

The smell is a big plus for me, although ideally, a makeup or skin care should be neutral, but I cannot resist the fragrant rose smell. Even my husband said it smell great. It felt cool on my face, and wet but pleasantly soaking, the nose and eye parts are okay, it fit my face and my big nose. After 30 minutes application (10 minutes overdue), I just pull off the mask from my face and throw it to the bin, then I pat the remaining fluid on my face, it cannot completely dry, even when I went to bed, it still left sticky residue. 

Regarding hydration power, I don't think this one is special, because when I woke up in the morning, my skin felt only slightly better but otherwise normal.

Packaging 5
Smell 5
Texture 4
Effectiveness 3
Price 5 
Will I buy it again? probably, for once in a while if I wanted to pamper myself with its rose aroma.

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