August 09, 2016

L'OREAL Paris Lucent Magique Blush Palette

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen out there! Blush On is one of the staple part in my everyday makeup, for natural look, it is good to keep our makeup down and simple, a face powder and 3 swift of blush on could make your face awake. Combine your natural look with lipbalm and eyelash curler (and a little bit of mascara) is enough to make you presentable in your classroom or workplace.

Today I would like to review L'Oreal Blush On, the Paris Lucent Magique Blush Palette. It came out around early 2014 or late 2013 if I were not mistaken. It has 4 colors
  • Duchess Rose
  • Fuschia Flush
  • Blushing Kiss
  • Sunset Glow

The Duchess Rose and Fuschia flush are ideal for warm toned, dark colored skin, Blushing Kiss for cool toned, and Sunset Glow for Neutral skin tone.
I bought the Sunset Glow at SM Supermall Philippines, discounted for around PHP 400 or IDR 120,000 but in Indonesia, we can buy it for  IDR 180,000.
It has shimmer and good for dry skin with small pores, but for me, it enhance my already big pores >.<
Sadly it only last for around 4 hours on my skin, maybe because my skin is oily. The pigmentation is not really strong, I need 4-5 swift to make the color pop out, even though the color is gorgeous.

Packaging: 5
Texture: 3
Pigment: 3
Price: 3
Will I buy it again? No

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