October 29, 2016

Vietnamese Coffee

ilustrasi diambil dari http://heavytable.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/vietnamese-coffee.jpg 

Hi ladies and gentlemen, how are you in this weekend? Sebagai seorang pecinta kopi, aku ingin menshare pengalamanku meminum vietnam coffee. Yang lalu-lalu sempet coba di kafe st Marc, Olivier, sampai roti bakar 88. Dihitung-hitung budgetnya lumayan juga sekali minum kopi IDR 40-60an ribu, makanya kemarin hunting alat-alat vietnam drip dan belajar videonya di youtube. I am proudly making my own Vietnam coffee, dan rasanya enaaak (hemat-hemat ^__^).

Jadi bahan yang diperlukan:
- Robusta coffee  karena rasanya yang pahit dan deep, cocok untuk espresso
- Vietnam drip  beli di tokopedia/buka lapak 
- Susu kental manis/ condensed milk, kalau mau pakai gula pasir jg optional
- Gelas yang imut usahakan bening
- Air panas 90-100 C, kalau saya pakai yang 100 C, karena ngedrip nya lumayan lama

I am using mug warna biru gelap ukuran 250 mL, kalau mau lebih cantik, pakai gelas kopi yang bening, biar keliatan mewah ala kedai kopi nya. hohoho...

gambar diambil dari http://www.cikopi.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/viet.jpg

- rendam set vietnam drip di air panas, biar yakin all is clean, kemudian angkat dan lap bersih
- siapkan gelas, tuang 2-3 sendok makan (SDM) susu kental manis.
- taruh vietnam drip set di atas gelas, keluarkan dulu dandangnya dan taruh 2-3 sdt kopi medium ground, (kopi masih sedikit kasar), lalu letakkan dandang di atasnya
- siram dengan sedikit air panas sampai kopinya settle di bawah, tunggu 30 detik, lalu tuang sisa air dan tutup
- dengan cara ini, kopi akan menetes pelan-pelan dan menjamin keluarnya rasa yang kuat, istilahnya minyak kopinya keluar semua
- Siap dihidangkan!

Selamat mencoba Vietnam Coffee di rumah anda.

October 28, 2016

Repit Magic Brush Iron 2 in 1

Hi ladies and gentlemen! Today, I would like to review one of best investment for hair styling tools. Yup, Yup, actually my hair is short already, but I am a lazy girl who want to style hair in less then 15 mins >.< and I cannot stand hair dryer heat.
So accidentally, when I went to AEON, they have their little REPIT booth in beauty section. The SP kindly offered me to try its new product, the REPIT Magic Brush Iron 2 in 1, and me as a sucker for beauty technology took the opportunity. It is a beautiful product which can be used even by the most inexperienced person in hair styling.
Additional bonus, it produced little heat, the heat rod covered by brush stick which eventually reduced heat exposure on your scalp, also ion which keep your hair smooth and healthy.
It has 4  heat modes, depend on your hair condition ( if you have brittle hair, use the least hot mode)

  1.  110 C
  2.  140 C
  3.  170 C
  4.  200 C 
Also 2 diameters:
1. 24 - recommended for shorter hair, it creates smaller curls
2. 27 - for longer hair, it creates volumes and big wavy curls

Even when I used it without hairspray or any foam, it creates natural look which last for around 6 hours (my hair is just super straight which is great for me).

There is a switch on it which can open the brush and made it into straight iron tools, great for bangs and tip of your hair ^__^, the quality is so great so when you use straight iron, it does not tug on hair. Easy to use, you press 1 button to change the heat, press 2 button to turn it off.

The downside is on the price which is quite expensive, around IDR 1,800,000 in big department store (AEON, SOGO, METRO) it offered 1 year warranty. Fortunately I have got mine from tokopedia, for around IDR 1,300,000 but without 1 year warranty and different color from the official distributor (rose gold).

My overall conclusion: MUST BUY ITEM 5/5 for all the function and value it has offered
it really save your time.

October 10, 2016

When to Clean your Makeup Brushes?

Hi Ladies! As we know today, the makeup world is blurred to painting world. No more we only use sponge and finger, we have additional brushes for more beautiful result. They have their own specification: foundation, stippling, fan brushes, concealer, even the eye brush has minimum 5 kind of brushes to apply. Today, I will not talk about brushes but the principle of cleaning your favorite tools.
Important to know that brushes will trap material, oil and skin residue on it. The more you use it, there are bigger chance it will be dirtier than other brushes. I know there are many makeup brushes out there, personally I love Real Technique because it is affordable yet has great quality.

I seldom use makeup with brushes, but I clean my makeup brushes every 2 weeks. And I have great help with Brush Egg (a gift from my dear friend)

How to Clean?
  1. Run your brushes under lukewarm water, rinsing out all of the residual makeup. Focus on the actual bristles while avoiding the part of the brush where handle meets the head, as this can loosen the glue over time
  2. Fill a bowl with lukewarm water and a squirt of baby shampoo or baby wash, and gently swirl your brush tip in the water or tap it on brush egg.
  3. Rinse the brush tip under running water once again. Repeat steps two and three until the water runs clear from the brush,
  4. Use a cloth to wipe your brush clean.
  5. Lay your brushes flat on a cloth to dry.

October 08, 2016


Hi ladies and gentlemen, I would like to review my favorite eye shadow. Naked 2 from Urban Decay is my dream come true, I remembered last year, I was contemplating to buy it. as an efficient buyer, the things that I bought should have the best value of its price. Fortunately, the price itself give the best quality, and the shades spoke true to its color, pigment, and really long lasting. If I should describe Naked 2 color, it consist of beige, natural, dark smokey color which are suitable for either daytime or night time.
The packaging is like your elementary school pencil box,
 Its DOMO kun >.<

it made from metal, sturdy and has "the lock", unlike Naked 1, so you can safely keep it without spilling.

If I could describe the colors;
Foxy : White, ivory shade great for highlighter or inner eye, it does not show on my skin because the similiar skin tone despite 5 x application
Half Baked : golden shimmer
Booty Call : naked ink color shimmer
Chopper : pinkish gold shimmer
Tease : mute mauve color
Snake Bite: Favorite 1 brown neutral with a bit of simmer
Suspect : very light brown with great pigment
Pistol : light grey with amazing finish
Verve : nude pink and sexy
YDK : mix of Half Baked and Chopper, but unique on its own
Busted : Favorite 2 dark brown with hints of light purple
Blackout : Your favorite black eyeshadow!

I bought it on September 2016 in Urban Decay at Central Park Mall, the price IDR 810,000. Its quite affordable compared with other high end brand, and it has 12 shades!


Packaging: 5/5
Color : 5/5
Pigment : 5/5
Long Lasting: 5/5
Value: 5/5
Will I buy it again? yes!