August 10, 2016

KANEBO IMPRESS: Cleansing Cream

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite facial cleanser, the famous Japanese brand: Kanebo. For facial cleanser, I tend to rely on Asian brand, especially Japanese brand, because they have long reputation to make products with excellent quality and more compatible with Asian Skin.

For this past 3 years I have used Mario Badescu, Olay, Ponds, Shinzui, but almost all of them have (except Mario Badescu) successfully dried up my skin, then I remember one time that my skin have perfect condition was when I used Kanebo Cleanser from my Mom (I forget the series).

Kanebo is one of the high end brand from Japan, aside from Shiseido. Impress series has a vision to:
 For Impress, beautiful skin is defined as finely textured, clear, translucent, and firm. These are the very qualities attained by the two unique approaches of Impress – “Normalization of the skin blueprint” and “Normalization of the binding and adhesion of the skin structure.”  (from

I bought Impress Cleansing Cream on May 2016 at Metro department store, Jakarta
Price: IDR 350,000
After 1 month usage my skin feel supple, more thoroughly cleaned, more even skin tone, and it is just from 1 pea sized for all my face. I think, If I used it carefully, one bottle could last for 6 months, so I spent around IDR 59,000/ month for facial cleanser (A girl needs to think her spending)

Packaging: 5
Texture: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Price: 4
Value: 4.5
Will I buy it again? YES

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