August 16, 2016


Hi Ladies and Gentlemen :>! I would like to share my passion about Face Oil, Yes, you heard me right, I have greasy, oily complexion yet I love Oil on my face. Face/Facial oil is a long business in beauty regimen, before all the hype, our ancestor used drops of olive oil or maybe virgin coconut oil on their face, lips hair, bodies. Yet today, the hype is coming again, and we have so much varieties: grape seed oil, sunflower, jojoba, almond oil, argan oil (remember the hype?).

These kind of oil are different with essential oil, (the one with aromatherapy and fragrance). These oil usually plant based and has no irritant base like the one in fragrance oil.
And here are the most asked question about facial oil:

  • Why do you need oil on your face?
    • Our face has natural oil, which is produced by our lovely skin, yet in our 30's we started to lose its production. When you give natural oil on your face, it will protect your skin, penetrate deeper and give nutrients on skin, it also make your skin supple in the morning after, and amazingly it reduce my oil production and evened my skin tone.
  • Who needs facial oil?
    • Everyone can reap benefits of facial oil, especially the one who have dry skin. It controls oil production and enhance hydration on face. For someone with combination and oily kind of skin, this is tricky questions. Because when I use a few drops (2 drops per used, 3x/week) my skin become better, smoother, healthier. But when I use more than that, My face felt greasy. 
  • When to use?
    • Facial oil is an additional product, yet important, you cannot use it alone but it will enhance the power of your serum and moisturizer. My usual step: cleansing -> toner -> serum (wait 10 mins) -> facial oil (wait 20 mins) -> moisturizer. Although we can use it twice a day, personally I love to use it after my evening shower, because I need time to make it completely absorbed on my skin.
  • Benefits of facial oil?
    • free radical protection
    • plumping skin: oil is lipophilic, it loves fat and can absorb faster and compensate for lack of oil
    • improved skin tolerance: some have anti irritation properties
    • better absorption: it can deliver molecules of our moisturizer easily. 
Best facial oil? Oh there are so many out there that not all facial oil created equal. Almond, Rosehip and Jojoba oil are the most frequently used, so you can try them first.

RECOMMENDED for everyone who loves skin care and want to try its benefit.

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