August 16, 2016


Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to share one of my favorite lip balm: LIP ICE SHEER COLOR WITH BEESWAX

According to Wikipedia:
Lip balm or lip salve is a wax-like substance applied topically to the lips of the mouth to moisturize and relieve chapped or dry lips, angular cheilitisstomatitis, or cold sores.
The primary purpose of lip balm is to provide an occlusive layer on the lip surface to seal moisture in lips and protect them from external exposure. 
The older generation used earwax to put on their lips before they invented lipbalm >.< 

Even though I live in practically tropical country, I work in full air-con environment, as in 24 hours a day (My husband is such a polar bear cub, he cannot bear a little bit of heat). Also my habit to use matte lipstick worsen my lips condition. In Indonesia, whenever u mention Lip balm, usually we think NIVEA, they are the pioneer of lip balm ever since I was an elementary school student. When you grow up, your world suddenly open up, and you wonder the magical world of makeup, where you can find lip balm in rich variations. It may contain SPF, petroleum, Beeswax, Camphor, Paraffin. Also the colors and flavors! (yipeee)

As I mentioned in my previous post before, I prefer lip balm to give natural sheen on my lips compared with natural color lipstick. Although the staying power is lesser than lipstick, it can be fixed easily because a girl always bring her lip balm in her bag/purse everyday ^__^, and I tend to leave my lipstick at home (a matter of habit I think).
And here I would review LIP ICE SHEER COLOR WITH BEESWAX, Natural color.
It moisturize enough with good amount of natural pinkish red color on your lips. It is great kind of sheen that can be used in your everyday/school look. 
If you compared Lip Ice with of Nivea Essential Care, it cannot deliver moisturize power unlike Nivea, but the color and sheen made up its weakness.


Packaging: 3
Staying Power: 3
Effectiveness: 3
Value: 5
Price: 5
Will I buy it again? YES

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