August 04, 2016


Hi ladies, today i would like to give you my opinion regarding L'Oreal Eye Cream. This is one of the most forgotten cream in our daily routine, that you won't realize its importance until you see those small wrinkle near you eyes (gasp!). The texture of skin around your eyes are soft and thin, it has many blood vessels, hence it is really sensitive towards biological changes, even lack of sleep could make those eye bags more prominent. We need to start this regimen in our early 20's because when we hit 20 years old, our skin will start to lose collagen.

Ideally once opened, you need to finish this cream for 6 months, but eventually I finished it after 1 year >,<. Even I don't use it regularly, I still feel the differences on my eye bags the morning after. it felt smooth and the color become more even, it felt supple, moisturized and hydrated.
The price around 800 pHP or around IDR 240,000. You can find it on leading department store or big drug store.

packaging 4
texture 4
smell 4
price 4
Will I buy it again? YES

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