July 29, 2016


Hi ladies, Do you like to do mask on your face? I have combination, sensitive, acne prone skin, which prone to dullness. When I was on elementary school up to my medical school days, I like to have DIY mask once in a while. 

  • Lemon + eggwhite
  • Yoghurt + eggwhite + honey
  • Oatmeal + berries + honey
  • Papaya + banana (yes I tried this combination)
  • Avocado + yoghurt
I mean, like every fresh ingredients that could be found in my refrigerator (except sambal/ chili paste). I found it enjoyable but it kind of hassle to prepare all these things, and also the mess I left after... I tried to buy ready to use masque, from local Indonesian brand, to Korean/Asian brand.
So, after  I did my research, I found few of the blogs recommend this understated masque, seriously this thing is one of the best in market, and I found that the lack of  reviews is disturbing.

This clay based mask, work to sucks and clean all impurities in pores. The minty smell is pleasing, it felt cool during treatment. The steps were: after exfoliating, I put it on and let it dry for about 15-30 minutes, until it dried and cracked ^__^. You can wash it with warm water and cloth afterwards, then apply toner, serum, moisturizer and voila, based on my experience, you will swear your skin felt amaaahziing.
I bought it for less than PHP 400, in Healthy Option, Philippines. I like it so much that I bought 3 more bottles before I went back for good to Indonesia.

This is in natural lightning, no editing was done, taken with iphone 4s, sorry for the clothes, I was ready to sleep >0<.

Packaging: 5
Smell: 4
Texture: 4
Price: 5
Will I buy it again? YES

When you find it in shelves/ drugstore, please buy it and try its miracle. I think it is best for combination and acne prone skin.

Best Regards, Kiss

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