July 30, 2016


Hi ladies, last week I was in dire need for vegetables, those busy schedule made me unable to even cook my own vegetable dishes. I love all kind of greens, (include bitter gourd here). My household always point out the importance of vegetables and fruits. When I was just a little girl, my lunch or dinner always had 2 kinds of meat/ fish, and 2-3 types of vegetable dishes. Therefore if I missed my daily vegetable/ fruits, I felt uncomfortable, headache kind sensation.

Around 500 meters from my workplace, I found this great GADO-GADO, recommended by the nurses in my workplace.

GADO-GADO is an Indonesian dishes, originate from Sunda/ west Java, it is popular in Banten, Jakarta, West Java. Central and East Java has its own variant, named PECEL, and Pecel usually use galangal in its sauce.

Gado-gado is the equal term of Salad in european country, usually the vegetable is blanched, the vegetables that can be found: spinach, kangkung, bean sprouts, green bean, chayote, corn, cucumber.
Additional: tempeh, tofu, potato, boiled eggs, crackers
Sauce made from ground peanut, tamarind water, lime juice, terasi, palm sugar, chilies, salt, water.

You can eat the vegetable plain, with lontong or rice. (I know :D full of carbohydrate)
Relatively, it is a low calorie food if you can limit the peanut sauce.

This Gado-gado stands near gondangdia station. I went there around 1 PM, straight at lunchtime, the queue was around 5-8 people, usually office worker. But the vendor is helpful, smiling (despite hot weather), and earnest on his job.

I went to nearest Indomaret (our minimarket) to buy some cold black coffee to wards off the heat and waiting for the food. He still remembered my request: add the vegetable, less sauce, no eggs + half rice and just adjust the price :D
It is served on top of plate and banana leaf, true to its traditional value.

For only IDR 14,000 I was quite full, it tasted good, and I am happy with the experience.

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