July 30, 2016


Hi ladies, last week I was in dire need for vegetables, those busy schedule made me unable to even cook my own vegetable dishes. I love all kind of greens, (include bitter gourd here). My household always point out the importance of vegetables and fruits. When I was just a little girl, my lunch or dinner always had 2 kinds of meat/ fish, and 2-3 types of vegetable dishes. Therefore if I missed my daily vegetable/ fruits, I felt uncomfortable, headache kind sensation.

Around 500 meters from my workplace, I found this great GADO-GADO, recommended by the nurses in my workplace.

GADO-GADO is an Indonesian dishes, originate from Sunda/ west Java, it is popular in Banten, Jakarta, West Java. Central and East Java has its own variant, named PECEL, and Pecel usually use galangal in its sauce.

Gado-gado is the equal term of Salad in european country, usually the vegetable is blanched, the vegetables that can be found: spinach, kangkung, bean sprouts, green bean, chayote, corn, cucumber.
Additional: tempeh, tofu, potato, boiled eggs, crackers
Sauce made from ground peanut, tamarind water, lime juice, terasi, palm sugar, chilies, salt, water.

You can eat the vegetable plain, with lontong or rice. (I know :D full of carbohydrate)
Relatively, it is a low calorie food if you can limit the peanut sauce.

This Gado-gado stands near gondangdia station. I went there around 1 PM, straight at lunchtime, the queue was around 5-8 people, usually office worker. But the vendor is helpful, smiling (despite hot weather), and earnest on his job.

I went to nearest Indomaret (our minimarket) to buy some cold black coffee to wards off the heat and waiting for the food. He still remembered my request: add the vegetable, less sauce, no eggs + half rice and just adjust the price :D
It is served on top of plate and banana leaf, true to its traditional value.

For only IDR 14,000 I was quite full, it tasted good, and I am happy with the experience.


Hi ladies, and all the folks out there. Have you ever wander other  city just to hunt for certain food? in this past 2 months I have been so busy that I missed PEKAN RAYA JAKARTA, it ended at 17 July 2016. Sadly, I have not be able to fulfill my craving for kerak telor or any traditional Jakarta food. 
When my schedule with my husband were match, I decided to use train and Busway to go to Mangga Dua, because my husband would like to know the recent PS4 price deal :P.

I prefer to hunt food in street food, although I am quite picky, and choose the cleanest street vendor that I could find.

And here I found what I was craving for

Kerak Telor with chicken eggs: IDR 17,000, you can change it with duck eggs but sadly it was sold out. It is a heritage of Jakarta/ Betawi people, made from small amount of ketan (sticky rice), mix with eggs, cooked with heat from charcoal, the finishing touch? sprinkle it with serundeng (shredded coconut), shallots and ebi. My review with this one that I have bought from Pasar Pagi, was disappointing... It is really different with the one that I have tried with my Oma and Opa (grandmother and grandfather) when I was just a little girl.

Mie Celor: IDR 18,000 big yellow noodle with gooey gravy, from coconut milk, boiled with ebi (dried shrimp), or fresh shrimp. Ideally for finishing touch, it was sprinkled with bean sprout, shallots, ebi, shrimp, boiled eggs. It comes from Palembang/ South Sumatra Region, a bit disappointed that this Mie celor was bland, no shrimp or any coconut milk trace from its gravy, not true to the original one that I have tried once in Palembang.

Cendol: IDR 11,000 it said to come from Java Island? in Java you call it Dawet , in Sunda/ west Java, you still call it cendol :-D this one is the best deal from these 3 food. it is sago (rice flour) which is mixed with coconut milk and palm sugar. The sweetness is kinda mellow, aromatic, with gentle smell of coconut milk. I love this traditional beverage.

Hopefully, I can find another great food on my next food trip.


Hi ladies, tentunya kalian familiar dengan brand asli Indonesia yang satu ini? Ya, perusahaan yang didirikan Mrs. Martha Tilaar sejak tahun 1977 telah memantapkan dirinya menjadi salah satu leading cosmetic brand di Indonesia. Brand awalnya yang berupa SariAyu telah berkembang dan menjadi pemilik dari brand terkenal lainnya di Indonesia: BIOKOS, CARING, RUDY HADISUWARNO, PAC, DEWI SRI SPA.
Pada situs resminya sendiri, Martha Tilaar menyebutkan 2 brand yang masuk kategori high end mereka, yaitu PAC dan DEWI SRI SPA.

Bulan Juli ini, kebetulan ada SALE, mungkin mid year ya? Buy one get one untuk beberapa produk DEWI SRI SPA, yang tidak boleh terlewatkan, terutama untuk kita yang sudah tahu betapa worthed nya kualitas brand yang satu ini. Saya ahkirnya memutuskan untuk membeli beberapa produk dari lini DEWI SRI SPA dan BIOKOS.

Bagi kalian yang suka nilai-nilai tradisional dan wangi yang natural, DEWI SRI SPA merupakan produk yang pas, secara pribadi, saya suka yang seri WHITENING, karena terasa banget sereh/lemongrass nya, walaupun belum saya beli karena stok habis >.<

  • BODY LOTION: IDR 160,000 for 2
    • SENSUAL - sexy kind of ylang-ylang and sandalwood (cendana) combination 
    • REVIVING - mint, fresh, lift your mood!
  • BODY WASH: IDR 118,000 for 2
    • SENSUAL - kebetulan hanya ini yang tersisa dan wanginya kusuka
  • BIOKOS DERMABRIGHT SERUM + Free Facial wash: IDR 349,000
Wanginya enak, bahan natural, kemasan bagus dan yang pasti made in Indonesia.
Will I buy it again? YES
Lumayan Mahal, disarankan stock banyak-banyak ketika lagi diskon


July 29, 2016


Hi ladies, this is my 1st review about lipstick. Yes I adore lipstick, you can change your mood based on this things that you applied on your lips. It is the most important makeup that can change your whole makeup. Unfortunately I love red and other dark colored lipstick. I think 9 out of 10 has darker shade (My mom always complain when she see my lipstick collections, she always mumbling: why I don't have pink or nude colors?). Lets get back to the topic: When you love purple, you will ultimately hooked with MAC HEROINE, it is the true purple, the equal of ruby woo in terms of true red. 

(forgive me for low lightning in my dorm)

The texture is quite velvety and smooth, it is glided smoothly, the color is pigmented and true to the picture. You will feel 90-s vibes from the color. It match perfectly with punk/goth attire, darker eyeshadows, but I will try to pull it off on lunch date :D
I bought it on MAC counter for about PHP 1000 or IDR 295,000

Packaging: 5 (classic bullet model of MAC)
Texture: 4
Color: 5
Longevity: 5 (I need makeup remover)
Price: 4


Hi ladies, Do you like to do mask on your face? I have combination, sensitive, acne prone skin, which prone to dullness. When I was on elementary school up to my medical school days, I like to have DIY mask once in a while. 

  • Lemon + eggwhite
  • Yoghurt + eggwhite + honey
  • Oatmeal + berries + honey
  • Papaya + banana (yes I tried this combination)
  • Avocado + yoghurt
I mean, like every fresh ingredients that could be found in my refrigerator (except sambal/ chili paste). I found it enjoyable but it kind of hassle to prepare all these things, and also the mess I left after... I tried to buy ready to use masque, from local Indonesian brand, to Korean/Asian brand.
So, after  I did my research, I found few of the blogs recommend this understated masque, seriously this thing is one of the best in market, and I found that the lack of  reviews is disturbing.

This clay based mask, work to sucks and clean all impurities in pores. The minty smell is pleasing, it felt cool during treatment. The steps were: after exfoliating, I put it on and let it dry for about 15-30 minutes, until it dried and cracked ^__^. You can wash it with warm water and cloth afterwards, then apply toner, serum, moisturizer and voila, based on my experience, you will swear your skin felt amaaahziing.
I bought it for less than PHP 400, in Healthy Option, Philippines. I like it so much that I bought 3 more bottles before I went back for good to Indonesia.

This is in natural lightning, no editing was done, taken with iphone 4s, sorry for the clothes, I was ready to sleep >0<.

Packaging: 5
Smell: 4
Texture: 4
Price: 5
Will I buy it again? YES

When you find it in shelves/ drugstore, please buy it and try its miracle. I think it is best for combination and acne prone skin.

Best Regards, Kiss


Hi ladies, good afternoon! I would like to review about one of the best night cream that I have used. This is my night staple for almost 2 years. Mario Badescu has successfully delivered its promise, with minimal ingredients, it can delivered maximum result. When I bought it about 3 years ago, the price was about PHP 1200 at RUSTAN or approximately IDR 360,000. It felt thick on my face, smooth, and the best result came out the morning after, my skin was so smooth that I wanted to rub it on whole day. 

 These are the ingredients, yay no dimethicone here! Also, please take note with Hydrolyzed Elastin, according to http://www.makingcosmetics.com/Elastin-Protein-Hydrolyzed_p_1105.html
Hydrolized Elastin come from fish skin, it is a highly specialized elastin protein, which is found in connective tissue of the skin, blood vessel. slightly acidic on pH 4.5-5.5. It protect, nourish, and reduced the fine wrinkles.

Packaging: 2 (I prefer pump/bottle, so the content stays clean)
Texture: 4
Smell: 4
Ingredients: 4.5
Price: 4.5
Will I buy it again? YES


July 26, 2016


Hi ladies, karena post terakhirku membahas tentang serum, aku akan mengulas 1 serum yang pernah kucoba. Agak-agak late bloomer sih karena baru akhir tahun 2015 aku mencoba serum, itupun yang lumayan terjangkau, tidak semahal yang kubahas di top 8 serum versi Elle ^__^.
Harganya waktu itu 1000 PHP, atau sekitar 295.000 IDR dan sedang diskon

Aku perkenalkan Olay Regenerist Micro Sculpting Serum, warna botolnya merah dari plastik, dengan kemasan tutup pump yang membuatku nyaman karena bisa mengatur kuantitas dan juga tidak berceceran. 

Here we check the ingredients:
Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Glycerin, Niacinamide, Aluminum Starch Octenylsuccinate, Dimethicone, Panthenol, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Polyethylene, Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4, Sodium Hyaluronate, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Tocopheryl Acetate, Carnosine, Allantoin, Sodium PEG-7 Olive Oil Carboxylate, Peucedanum Graveolens (Dill) Extract, Dimethiconol, Acrylamide/Sodium Acryloyldimethtyltaurate Copolymer, C13-13 Isoparaffin, Laureth-7, Laureth-4, Citric Acid, PEG-100 Stearate, DMDM Hydantoin, BHT, Disodium EDTA Idopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Fragrance, Titanium Dioxide, Mica.


Hi ladies, for today topic, I would like to  talk about SERUM. Kenapa aku harus membahas tentang serum? Salah satu sebabnya karena bila dibandingkan dengan moisturizer atau pelembab, serum memiliki molekul yang lebih kecil dengan bahan-bahan yang lebih terkonsenterasi, sehingga menembus lebih baik ke kulit. Bahan-bahan yang terkandung didalamnya lebih aktif dan ringan, itulah sebabnya harga serum biasanya lebih mahal.

  • Apakah cukup bila kita hanya memakai serum, dan mengabaikan moisturizer?
    • Tidak, karena walaupun bahan-bahan dalam serum sudah sangat terkonsenterasi, tetapi moisturizer dapat melapisi dan menahan kelembaban dalam sel kulit. Fungsi keduanya kira-kira sinergistik, sehingga hasil yang optimal didapat dengan menggunakan keduanya.

  • Apa kontraindikasi dalam penggunaan serum?
    • Bila anda mengalami peradangan kulit seperti rosasea, eczema, serum dapat memperparah keadaan kulit karena bahan-bahan aktif di dalamnya. 
  • Waktu penggunaan serum? 
    • Idealnya 2x sehari setelah pemakaian toner dan sebelum moisturizer; face cleansing --> toner --> serum --> moisturizer --> facial oil (optional). Sayangnya karena pagi-pagi biasanya sibuk, saya memilih untuk hanya memakainya pada malam hari. Biasanya ada jeda 15 menit setelah pemakaian serum dan mengoleskan moisturizer agar yakin serum benar-benar telah terserap ke dalam kulit.
  • Apa yang biasanya terkandung dalam serum? 
    • Antioksidant: contohnya ekstrak tanaman, seperti pomegrante extract, grape seed extract
    • Anti inflammatory / Anti peradangan: zinc, aloe vera
    • Hydrators: menjaga kelembaban kulit, bekerja sebagai pelindung dan pelapis pada kulit, contohnya ceramide, hyaluronic acid.

Karena kegunaannya yang luar biasa, saya sarankan para ladies untuk mulai menginvestasikan serum dalam beauty routine kalian. I promised the result is instant, I felt the difference within 1 month of serum routine, dan perlu saya tekankan, saya hanya menggunakannya 1x/hari saat malam hari.

Berikut adalah 8 serum wajah terbaik versi Elle.com, oleh Katie Dickens, 24 Mei 2016.
for complete review, kalian bisa klik www.elle.com/beauty/makeup-skin-care/tips/g8091/face-serum/?slide=1
1. Clinique Acne Solutions Acne +Line Correcting Serum
USD 44.5

2. Blithe Crystal Iceplant Pressed Serum
USD 49
3. Yves Saint Laurent Forever Youth Y-Shape Concentrate
USD 155

4. Korres Golden Krocus  Ageless Saffron Elixir Serum
USD 98

5. Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Face Serum
USD 55

6. Kane NY Serum Savant
USD 250

7. Chanel Le lift Serum Serum
USD 175

8. 111Skin Celestial Black Diamond Emulsion
USD 800

 Harga paling mahal Black Diamond Emulsion, yaitu 800 US$. Seriously, mungkin kalau aku punya uang segitu, pilih beli emas saja hehe, kecuali untuk sosialita-sosialita mungkin tiada artinya ^__^.

Brand-brand lokal juga sudah mulai mengeluarkan produk serum, contohnya dari Derma Bright Martha Tilaar. Kualitasnya juga bagus, dan bahanny lembut di kulit. Akan saya coba review setelah 1 bulan pemakaian.

Thank you for reading this article ^__^


Hi ladies, apakah kalian suka untuk melakukan perawatan wajah di rumah? Mencuci wajah, pakai pelembab, toner, krim mata memang wajib dilakukan, tapi ada tahap yang juga tidak kalah penting: EXFOLIATING

Ada masanya saat kita sudah melakukan perawatan yang dirasa lengkap, tetapi kulit wajah masih tetap kusam... Kekusaman kulit bisa dari dalam dan luar, saat kulit kita ternutrisi dengan baik, emosi kita stabil, glow yang dari badan kita bisa terpancar. Sayangnya yang dari luar pun harus dijaga, karena polusi asap, udara, bahkan dari air yang kita pakai untuk kulit dapat menumpuk kulit mati di pori-pori. 
Idealnya, exfoliating dilakukan 1-2x/minggu (tergantung jenis kulit dan seberapa cepat dia jadi dull). CURE NATURAL AQUA GEL, menjadi barang wajib untuk para wanita di Jepang.

 Sering kan kita merasa kagum dengan kulit wanita Jepang yang  mulus licin.
Cantik itu usaha, terbukti dengan upaya mereka yang dashyat.  Wanita asia timur (Jepang, Korea) tumbuh besar dengan melihat ibu mereka melakukan 10-15 tahap-tahap skincare. Hal ini menekankan, bahwa dengan menjaga dan menghormati kulit dengan serius,  akan menghasilkan kesehatan dan kemilau yang maksimal.

Cure Natural Aqua Gel diklaim sebagai Japan's number 1 exfoliator; menjual 1 botol tiap 12 detik di Jepang.

Komposisinya sendiri seperti gel air yang cair, pengalaman setelah mencuci dan mengeringkan wajah, saya pakai 2 pump, ratakan dan putar-putar pijat, terutama bagian hidung dan T zone. Hasilnya kulit mati yang berjatuhan dikit-dikit (bikin puar). Setelah selesai, biasanya cairan ini seperti menyerap ke kulit, sudah susah pijat, dan hanya tersisa kulit mati. Kamu boleh membasuh wajah dengan air hangat, biasanya aku juga pakai handuk kecil/ washlap untuk membersihkan dengan maksimal. 
Kalau sedang rajin, bisa diikuti mengextract komedo sendiri lalu pakai masker. Hasilny kulit kenyal poll.

July 25, 2016



This brand is still number one in my toner list, my personal holy grail. Mario Badescu is a visionary company, where they believed that simple is more.
This company started as small salon in New York City around 1967, the simplicity, quality, price made its product have steady follower. Some of Celebrity can swear by Mario Badescu product, one of them is Martha Stewart. For the price, it is quite affordable. I bought this one around 2 years ago, the 236 ml, around 800 PHP, I think around 250K IDR. The smell was great, it removed dirt effectively, and when I combined it with seaweed night cream, my skin became smoother than ever.